Corporate secretary
Corporate Secretary is governed by the Company’s Regulations on the Corporate SecretaryApproved by resolution of the Board of Directors on 6 February 2019, Minutes No. 1/19 dated 7 February 2019..
The Office of the Corporate Secretary performs its functions under the Corporate Secretary's supervision.
The Corporate Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the Company’s governing bodies and officers comply with the Russian laws and the by‑laws setting out the procedure for protecting the rights of shareholders; preparing and holding General Shareholders Meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors, its committees, and the Executive Board, disclosing information about FESCO as required by the laws on the securities market, and dealing with insider information. One of the Corporate Secretary’s key tasks is to maintain a strong corporate culture and improve corporate governance practices at the Company and at the Group.
The Corporate Secretary serves as Secretary of the Board of Directors and is functionally subordinate to it, and administratively to the President of the Company. The approval of nominees for the position of the Corporate Secretary, their remuneration and the Regulations on the Corporate Secretary falls within the remit of the Board of Directors, which ensures independent and efficient performance of the Corporate Secretary’s functions.
To ensure compliance with the Corporate Governance Code and oversee the Company's corporate governance system, the Board of Directors reviews the Corporate Secretary's reports for the reporting year. Corporate Secretary’s Report for 2023 was approved at the meeting of the Company's Board of Directors on 28 December 2023. The Board of Directors gave a positive assessment of the 2023 performance of the Corporate Secretary and the Office of the Corporate Secretary.
In the reporting year, the Corporate Secretary focused on achieving the Group's business goals, securing consistent and efficient work of the governing bodies against the background of restrictive measures, maintaining sustainable corporate governance procedures, and improving control over the progress against the governing bodies' decisions.