Stakeholder engagement

FESCO seeks to identify the full range of stakeholder interests in a timely manner and integrate them into its operations. Our relations with stakeholders are constantly evolving and improving. The Company’s goal is to ensure effective communication and open dialogue with all stakeholders.

Stakeholder group Stakeholder engagement tool/channel
Shareholders and investors

  • General Shareholders Meeting
  • annual report, information brochures and booklets
  • financial statements
  • press releases, mandatory disclosure publications
  • meetings with the Company’s management
  • press conferences, presentations, forums
  • corporate website, including the Shareholders and Investors section
  • shareholder surveys
  • query responses, provision of requested documents and information
  • inclusion of independent directors in the Board of Directors to protect shareholders
  • hotline and email
Suppliers and contractors
  • Invitations to tender for the supply of goods, performance of works, and provision of services
  • supplier and contractor reliability checks
  • one‑on‑one and online negotiations
  • formalisation of partnership (cooperation contracts and agreements)
  • electronic trading and procurement platform
  • Information on services, rates, and schedules available on the Company’s website and via email
  • MY.FESCO, customer’s personal account
  • single customer support service (call centre)
  • NPS, CSAT, in‑depth interviews with key customers, focus groups
  • launch of a Telegram channel
  • negotiations, offline customer events
  • development of personalised transportation and logistics solutions for key customers
  • participation in industry‑specific conferences and exhibitions
  • formalisation of contractual relations
  • on‑site customer support
Business partners
  • Negotiations, meetings, presentations
  • participation in conferences, forums and exhibitions
  • membership in industrial unions and associations
  • annual report, financial statements, press releases
  • Corporate means of communications, including FESCO’s news portal, Telegram channel, and educational webinars
  • mass cultural and sports events
  • personnel engagement surveys
  • regular management meetings
  • target management (KPIs)
  • by‑laws: remuneration, benefits and compensations, internal staff rules, personal data,training and development, staff recruitment
  • collective bargaining agreement
  • veteran council
  • trade unions
Local communities
  • Long‑term or one‑off social, environmental and cultural programmes in the regions of operation
  • partnership projects and programmes in the regions of operation
  • volunteer programmes, projects and campaigns
  • organisation of sociological and other studies, surveys, and focus groups, participation in them
  • PR activities, including dedicated events, workshops, forums and competitions
  • management meetings with representatives of local communities, including managers and employees of non‑profit organisations, volunteer movements, social and cultural institutions, representatives of university students and teachers in the regions of operation, school students, teachers and administrative staff, veteran organisations, etc.
  • meetings with officials from government agencies and local authorities in the regions of operation
  • participation in industry‑specific, public and other exhibitions, conferences, forums, etc.
  • the Group’s corporate websites and social media pages, the websites and social media pages of individual programmes and projects pursued by the Group
Members of professional industrial communities
  • Membership in industrial unions and associations:
    • Eurasian Union of Rail Freight Transport Participants
    • Organisation for Cooperation of Railways
    • Union of Railway Operators Market
    • Association of Commercial Sea Ports
    • Russian Chamber of Shipping
    • International Coordinating Council on Trans‑Eurasian Transportation
    • Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
    • Russian Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistic Organisations
    • Public Council of the Northern Sea Route
    • Russian–Chinese Business Council
    • Association of Exporters and Importers
    • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Primorye Territory
    • Association of Operators of the Refrigerator Rolling Stock
    • Association of Partners on Coordination and Usage of the Northern Sea Route
  • participation in expert councils
  • establishment of joint coordination committees and task forces
  • participation in conferences, forums, round tables, plenary and strategic sessions
Higher education institutions
  • Internship offers
  • work in the project management office at the Far Eastern Federal University (FSC – Workflow Management, Accounting)
  • organisation of competitions to select talented students (case championships, brain storms)
  • lectures and master classes from FESCO experts
  • resolution of project‑based challenges
Rating agencies
  • Regular contacts with agency officers
  • information disclosure
  • press releases disclosing financial results
  • publication of financial statements and annual reports
  • conference calls with management
Financial organisations
  • Disclosures under financial monitoring
  • engagement with analysts and lawyers during Q&A sessions held as part of disclosures
  • monthly and quarterly management meetings with partner banks
  • discussions with analysts and client managers as part of the efforts to manage bank product requests
Government agencies
  • Participation in the meetings of intergovernmental commissions, their working bodies, and port expert groups; participation in official delegations accompanying Russian vice prime ministers and select ministers on their working visits to the countries where FESCO operates
  • participation in conferences and task forces sponsored by allied associations (the Organisation for Cooperation of Railways, Union of Railway Operators Market, Association of Commercial Sea Ports, Russian Chamber of Shipping, Russian–Chinese Business Council, International Coordinating Council on Trans‑Eurasian Transportation, Eurasian Union of Rail Freight Transport Participants, Russian Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistic Organisations, RSPP, Public Council of the Northern Sea Route, etc.)
  • preparation of the Company’s responses to requests submitted by government agencies
  • sponsorship of regulatory initiatives on maritime shipments, stevedoring services at ports, container shipment by various means of transport
  • participation in working groups, joint meetings, round tables, conferences, and forums
  • submission of queries and proposals to federal and regional executive authorities
  • interaction with relevant government agencies to obtain permits, certificates, licences, etc.
  • implementation of initiatives for improving intermodal transportation processing procedures in partnership with relevant government authorities