Customer experience management

The Company's communication with customers is underpinned by the following principles:

  • FESCO is the leader in the container transportation market in terms of quality. We develop internal regulations for our processes and seek to standardise and automate them in line with a continuous improvement approach
  • FESCO is quick to launch new projects. Our system easily adjusts to changes as we constantly develop and test hypotheses on potential opportunities and rely on quick project launch practices
  • FESCO appreciates the loyalty of its key customers. We build seamless communication channels by focusing on consistent interaction and personalised approach to key customers. We foster loyalty in response to our consistent delivery against the commitments we have taken on
Управление клиентским опытом

Our customers

FESCO’s customer base

>18.5 thousand
customers in 2023
>1.5 thousand
new customers acquired in 2023
>30 customer offices
including in Southeast and Central Asia and in Europe
FESCO transportation in 2023 by cargo type, %
Source: Company data

Mechanisms of customer communication

In 2023, FESCO focused on developing a chat function on its website and in MY.FESCO customer’s personal accounts, as well as introduced a voice assistant for customers accessing the Company's call centre.

Via this channel, customers can now gain instant 24/7 advice on various aspects of interacting with FESCO, including:

  • consultations on transportation routes and regular services
  • information about current shipments
  • technical support for FESCO’s systems
>21 thousand
queries addressed by the FESCO team with prompt advice via the chat function
5 minutes
average response time

Most popular queries:

  • technical support for MY.FESCO personal account users
  • container tracking
  • rate calculation and transportation requests

We launched Technical Support for FESCO’s Systems, the Company's most innovative block enjoying strong demand among FESCO’s customers. It is designed to provide online technical assistance with MY.FESCO, Pocket Port, and 1C:Production. Technical support experts handled over 7 thousand queries in 2023, with the numbers expected to climb further on.

FESCO’s call centre introduced the Voice Assistant project. This tool autonomously handles standard queries and escalates more complex ones to human operators. The system comprises over 30 scripted enquiry scenarios and five guides on frequently asked questions from customers.

With the voice assistant, customers can swiftly get in touch with the right employee without operator involvement, receive text messages with pertinent details, and acquire fast robot advice on common questions. This innovation has reduced the average time customers spend in the answering system to a mere 10 seconds.

The chatbot's quality is measured by advice it provides.
approval rating from FESCO’s customers surveyed in 2023

Customer feedback

In 2023, FESCO remained focused on collecting customer feedback. Our team routinely carried out post‑transportation satisfaction surveys, set up focus groups and held in‑depth interviews to gauge perceptions of FESCO's market stance and communication practices. The goal was to dissect and enhance customer experiences by identifying and implementing quality enhancements.

The average NPSNet Promoter Score. for the year stood at 61%. The average CSATCustomer Satisfaction Score. was 86%.

There was an almost 45% surge in participants of our regular NPS surveys in 2023 compared to the previous year, with survey outreach broadening across both destinations and Company units. We also added feedback feature to our mobile app, enabling customers to rate our services.

Customers commended FESCO for:

  • user‑friendliness of the MY.FESCO personal account
  • dependable maritime services
  • overall Company reliability
Управление клиентским опытом
NPS, %
Number of participants
Positive shifts FESCO's service quality in 2023, %