Sustainable development

FESCO’s approach to the sustainable development strategy fits into the classical definition set out in Our Common Future, report of the World Commission on environment and development (1987).

“Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

In its sustainable development strategy, FESCO relies on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the Resolution of the UN General Assembly adopted on 25 September 2015.

The Company places emphasis on the following SDGs where it can make the greatest difference as part of its daily operations:

Goal 17: partnership for sustainable development – FESCO pays all due taxes in a timely manner and pursues comprehensive partnerships with government and international organisations as a way to ensure social prosperity

Goal 8: decent work and economic growth; and Goal 10: reduced inequalities – FESCO offers decent remuneration, honours all its social commitments, and closely cooperates with trade unions

Goal 3: good health and well‑being – FESCO has never ceased to take care of its employees’ lives and health by improving occupational health and safety technologies

Goal 12: responsible consumption and production – FESCO undertakes energy‑saving and energy efficiency measures to reduce the energy intensity of its production activities

Goal 16: peace, justice and strong institutions – FESCO implements best anti‑corruption practices and sticks to high business ethics standards

Goal 13: climate action – FESCO regularly sets targets to reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions, both on land and at sea

Goal 14: life below water – FESCO monitors marine ecosystems in its areas of operation and prevents their pollution by imposing restrictive requirements

Goal 15: life on land – FESCO seeks to minimise its environmental impact and continuously searches for best‑in‑class environmental technologies and solutions

Goal 9: industry, innovation and infrastructure – FESCO strives to apply the latest technologies across its operations